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Welcome to the CCHS Q5 information page

As many of you have heard, the end of this school year will be entirely different from years past.  We are introducing a program called Q5, an altogether new two-week learning experience where students will select seminar courses on various topics that further engage students and teachers.


Students & teachers will have the opportunity to try something new, take risks, explore and discover new interests, and celebrate their accomplishments while building a stronger Concord Carlisle High School.


The logistical aspects of organizing and planning Q5 was an immense undertaking and it has been a true team effort. Thank you to CCHS staff member Laurie Fortunato for her tremendous efforts serving as Q5 coordinator. Q5 is not possible without her efforts. 

An additional thank you to 
Dr. Mike Vela for not only supporting the program during the last 18 months, but the very idea of Q5 originated under his leadership of the STEAM Committee. Also, Rebecca Gates has proven invaluable and Brian Miller has been instrumental throughout our Q5 journey

It was a 
team effort in every sense of the word. Central Office personnel including members of the business department as well as members of the transportation department, led by Wayne Busa and John Arena, have been a great source of help

Of course, none of this is 
possible without the
generous financial support of the Concord Education Fund and the Parents Association. Thank you!

Over the course of the last 18 months,
staff members worked really hard developing a wide array of exciting courses outlined in detail in the Q5 Course Catalog.


Mission Statement


"Q5 is an immersive learning experience leveraging the curiosity, knowledge, and passions of students and faculty to foster complex thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration. Q5 complements our academic program and seeks to inspire students and faculty to pursue shared interests and ideas."


Today we moved from theory and concept to reality. The pictures and stories shared by students and staff highlight a beginning that has exceeded lofty expectations.



Q5 Introduction Video

Parent and Student FAQ's

2018 Exam and Q5 Schedule

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